Why DIY assist

DIY Assist is the premier platform tailored to transform the way consumers, experts, and retailers seamlessly connect and collaborate.

We work with retailers to provide a convenient and personalised, face-to-face connection which goes beyond the transaction. We help to reinforce commitment to customer satisfaction. With 24/7 availability, a cost-effective approach, and a dedication to the end-to-end purchasing experience. 

For customers, DIY Assist offers convenient access to a wide range of expert advice and assistance. Whether you’re looking for guidance on home repairs, legal matters, financial planning, or other areas, our platform ensures you find reliable experts ready to provide personalized solutions.

Experts can share their unparalleled knowledge, showcase their expertise, and reach a wider audience. Connect with customers who are actively seeking the skills and insights you possess. With DIY Assist, you have the chance to maximise your impact, build your reputation, and generate income by providing remote consultations.

Join our community of experts and customers who are leveraging the power of DIY Assist to simplify problem-solving, foster collaboration, and unlock new possibilities. Discover why DIY Assist is the ultimate destination for experts and customers alike, bridging the gap and facilitating meaningful connections. Experience the benefits of being a part of a thriving ecosystem dedicated to expertise and mutual growth.